Thursday, July 16, 2009

Tuesday, July 14th

Snatch high-pull + muscle snatch - 70% (of MS) x 4 sets 95LBS

3-position snatch (floor, knee, mid-thigh) - 70% x 5 sets 125LBS

Power jerk + jerk - 75% (of jerk) x 4 sets 185LBS

Single Heavy Snatch: 165LBS


20 Back Squats 160LBS
20 Deadlifts       225LBS

Wednesday, July 15th


5 Rds For Time Of:

21 OHS @95LBS

Time: 13:24  
I felt strong except for my hip flexor which slowed me down on the run.  OHS felt strong.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Road To Recovery

Recovering from an injury is never an easy thing to accomplish especially with a type A personality. I always want to go go go and put injuries to the side. Well this time it was a no go. Ever since I got back from Iraq, I've been plagued with injuries left and right. First it was the dirt in my lungs which I still have. Then I put two stress fractures in my right foot from the Wasatch Steeplechase. Then I tweeked my back and got some serious tendinitis in my right elbow. So far i've heeled and mended all my injuries except for the elbow tendinitis. The good news for me is that I've been able to finish wods again with minor irritations. I'll keep doing my thing and pushing myself till the point and back off and just keep all my training around the 85% mark which is really hard.

Friday, July 10 - WOD

4 Rounds For Time Of:

400M Run
15 Bench Press 165lbs
15 Knees to Elbows

Time: 22:47 Felt ok. A little week in the chest dept and had some discomfort in my rt elbow.

Saturday, July 11 - WOD

500M Row: 1:40
250M Row: 45 Sec
250M Row: 43 Sec
250M Row: 49 Sec

10 Rounds not for time:

3 Pull Ups 45lbs
5 Strict Pull Ups
7 Kipping Pull Ups

Pull Ups felt a little tired after the 5 round. Most like from the 250 Sprints earlier. Elbow had no discomfort.

Sunday, July 12 - WOD

60% X 2 90lbs
65% X 2 95lbs
70% X 2 100lbs
80% X 3 115

Clean & Jerk
90% X 1 185lbs
80% X 1 165lbs
70% X 1 155lbs

Straight Leg DL
155 X 8
175 X 8
185 X 8

5 Rounds For Time Of:

30 GHD Sit Ups
25 Back Extensions

Time 14:01 Felt pretty good today. Abs were a bit sore from doing the ab roller the other day. But I'm still happy about today. I'm healing up just nice:)
75% X 3 155lbs

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

I don't even no where to start its been so long since my last post. Life is great but my training has been in the suck hole due to some serious yard excavation labor. After doing some seriously functional movements such as shoveling, boulder moving, wheel barrow rolling, axe swinging, tree pushing, my low back and elbow have taken a toll for the worse. Its been a few days and my back feels better but the tendinitis in my right elbow is hellacious and holding my training up to Nth degree.

Since my last post, I've started a 8 week 20 squat repetition program where you find your 5 Rep Back Squat max and do 80% of that for 20 repetitions twice a week, and go up 5lbs each time. Right now I'm on my 3rd week and all is good since my tennis elbow isn't involved.

Week 3 - 20 Rep Back Squat

Completed - 150lbs

Wednesday WOD: NATE

AMRAP in 20 Minutes of:

2 Muscle Ups
4 Handstand Push Ups
8 KB Swings @70lbs

Total Rounds: 13
PR: 17

Overall: Felt great minus the elbow issues. There was a lot of discomfort in the dip position of the muscle up. I guess I'll be doing the R-rest I-ice C-compression E-elevation along with some hot and cold contrasts. Well its back to the grind.