Saturday, November 28, 2009

Post Big Meal Beat Down

Ahhh. So full from Thanksgiving but you gotta get up off your butt to beat the winter metabolism slow down. Every time winter comes around I have the urge to eat more carbs for some reason. All the more reason to push the bumper plates around more. Its been awhile since I've been on here cause I've just been logging all mystuff on paper and on the website beyond the whiteboard which rocks if you got the time to get on and maintain it regularly. It graphs all your workouts, meals, avg power output, power output per wod, and ranks you against everyone on there. Good stuff for a small fee. Today was a good day cause even with the 15lb weight gain over the past couple months I PR'd Linda today with a 24:55 and I deadlifted 1 3/4 BW and used DB's for the clean portion which sucked. Its feels good going heavier than prescribed and getting a PR.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Why Deadlift, Why?

I've been out here just over a month now and I'm happy to see that some of my strength is getting back to where they were pre injury in July. I've noticed a significant drop in my stamina on met cons though which is quite irritating. I don't know if its the dust in the air or if I'm just plain old lacking intensity. In wanting to keep with the strength side of the house and still work my met con weakness, I decided to change up the main sites Cindy WOD. On top of that its already earned itself a girls name cause this morning at breakfast we all went over to the mils chow hall and I happen to be wearing a Crossfit shirt that my boy Rex gave me, and the boys were talking about how many dead hang pull ups I did with my kit on. We had some eavesdroppers cause when I said I wanted to be to do 80 kipping pull ups and some Navy EOD girl said thats impossible.
There was complete silence for a half second before everyone was chiming in, "who the F**K is that", among other Alpha comments. I told the girl I can already do 65 if she wants to put some money on it. Not believing me, we all walked out of the chow hall to pull up bars next to some tents and I cranked out 77 chin over the bar. Mindy, that is for you, so eat that along with your fat army chow. Thanks god for the butterfly kip. 80 is just around the corner. In honor of crushing Mindy spirit, I will name todays WOD after her.

AMRAP 20 Minutes

4 HSPU's
6 Deadlift 245
8 KB Swings 1.5 Pood

RDS Completed: 10

Definitely need more hard metcons. That was a kickass wod, and I'll be doing that one again before I leave to see the change.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Bad Weathers A Brewing

Today weather was epic to say the least. Its always awesome to see how powerful mother nature can be. There isn't a man made thing on this planet that good ol mother nature can't tear down if she's feeling a little grumpy. I walked out my pod this morning and watched my roof fly right off followed by some serious wind. I wanted to run back in my room and put my jacket on backwards and just button the top and button and cruise on a bicycle or something. It was insane. I was just hoping I could throw some steel around as easy as she through my roof.

Burgener Warm Up X 2 rds with 45lb bar

Heavy Snatch Single
1. 135
2. 135
3. 145
4. 145
5. 150

Heavy Clean & Jerk Single
1. 175
2. 185
3. 185
4. 195
5. 195

My focus today was to go heavy but only as long as I was shrugging the shit out of the bar (my weakest part of my lift) and receiving the bar at the bottom of the squat instead of catching it in a power stance and squatting down which I tend to do under heavy load. I'm getting back on track and I'm feeling my strength start to come back a lot quicker the last week or so. Incorporating the Performance Menu's Oly session with the main sites wods has been working out pretty good.

Feeling good I've started to up my mileage on this short and monotonous 1/3 mile track but its better than nothing. I pumped out a 5k today and it started at a reasonable 7 minute pace for the first 2 until the dust storm from hell came out of nowhere and antiqued my ass from head to toe. Mix that with a little sweat and you got the same concrete the locals use to make their bomb proof houses out of. My beard was so heavy that it was pulling my bottom lip and jaw down leaving my mouth open for more sand. Pretty miserable and I will for sure be getting a weather report before anymore runs.

5K: 23:01

Friday, November 6, 2009


AM Session

Snatch X 1 Reps X 4 Sets - 120/135/135/135
Snatch Pull X 3 Reps X 3 Sets - 135
Snatch PP X 3 Reps X 3 Sets -135/145/145
Back Squat X 2 Reps X 4 Sets - 235/235/245/245

Things are looking good. I changed my squat technique a bit and I'm weaker but it will make me stronger at oly lifts. Less posterior chain (don't hate crossfitters) and more quad. Sorry Low bar back squat but you gotsta go.. I may keep you around for my CFT's though.

Noon Session

AMRAP 20 minutes
12 Power Snatch @ 65lb (no bumpers which made it a mid shin pwr snatch)
10 Push Ups

Completed: 11 rounds plus 3 power snatches.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

As I have little time to post because of a lot of changes at the gym during my absence. I find myself quite busy doing computer stuff for the gym from overseas with internet connection speeds slower than an intermittent dial up connection. I have to stay up when everyone goes to sleep to get this stuff done which is taking a toll on my much needed rest for recovery. I hope all this stuff makes for the better of the gym.

Pull Ups with continuous 1 minute clock
1-14: No problems
15: Callous Tear
16: Pushed through
17: Broke it in two sets

I could have made it to I'm guessing 19 or 20, but whats the point in going all that way with injury when there is no competition. The good new is some of my pull up strength is coming back. When I first got out here, I had trouble doing sets of pull ups higher than 12. Its amazing how a lower body injury can mess with your mind enough to where you don't want to do anything and become weak all over.

4 X 15 - 30" Box Jumps for a warm up.
2 Mile Run: 13:30

500M Loops is not the deal.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Slower Than Sprinting, Faster Than Yogging

Thank got for the big helo pad to run on. It made things much nicer than the large gravel run I was planning to do my 800M Runs on. I felt pretty good and not too sore from the Halloween wod. I know I'm definitely faster but dust and altitude play a part in this I'm sure. Not to mention I haven't been training on the running side of the house in a long while.

WOD: 800M Run X 4 - 2-3 Min rest between runs

1. 2:34
2. 2:38
3. 2:36
4. 2:33