Saturday, May 23, 2009

As I wait in angst for my left hammie to heal up a bit, I stand in the gym confused cause I want to work out with it so bad.  So this morning I did a run, swim, run doing 20min. per movement.  It was pretty fun although it was a 115 degrees and a little hotter at some points in the trail.  After that, I cranked out 100 HSPU's.  I stretched my hammie out and its starting to feel better.  I'm hoping fully recovered by Monday.  Only time will tell though.

Run 20 minutes: Distance 3 miles
Swim 20 minutes: Distance 1500M
Run 20 minutes: Distance 3.3 miles 

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Rest Day
Well, I've decided I'm gonna take a much needed rest day.  I think I may have pulled a hammie but I'm not quite sure.  I just know its really tight and aches.  I'll just have to learn to watch my food intake till I get back to training.  Here are a few photos of a crossfit stud and level 2 trainer.  The Boz.  This guy has some serious athletic ability as you will see in the following photos.  Please don't try this unless you like bruised up shins.

Thats what I call taking flight!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Knowing that I should be taking a day off but also knowing that I've been eating like shit the last two days cancelled out my day off even though I know my body needs it.  I decided to do a wod but keep it light and fairly easy.  Just enough to work up a sweat in the hot sun.

WOD: 10 Rounds For Time.

05 HSPU's
10 Push Ups
10 KB Swings w/53lb
15  Ab Mat Sit Ups

Time: 21:23

Monday, May 18, 2009

Why do I hate rowing so much.  Because there isn't an even playing field.  Size and height do matter in the  game of rowing.  It hurts but its true.  But like a dog, I will keep trying for the unattainable.  That ever humbling extra second to be shaved off.  I've got one month to do it.  So onward I move to the ever painful erg.

WOD: Finish For Time.

500M Row
30 Bodyweight Bench Press
1000M Row 
20 Bodyweight Bench Press
2000M Row
10 Bodyweight Bench Press

Time: 21:20 w/165lbs

Sunday, May 17, 2009

I believe my plan to get rid of some soreness worked.  So the other day my quads and hammies were a bit sore from a heavy squat day and I thought I'd hit legs again the following day to get rid of the soreness.  I believe it worked cause I did a 50 rep Grace yesterday and I woke up today a little less sore than the day prior.  Todays WOD was good for me cause the last time I did it was back in November and I did it in the low 9 minute time frame.  This time I beat it by 2 minutes and I did it after 2 prior days of crushing my legs.

AM WOD:  Swimming

1000M Freestyle 

NOON WOD:  21-15-09 For Time.


TIME: 7:07

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Sometimes to get rid of soreness, you have to hit again.  Atleast that was my mindset going into it.  I'll let ya know if my plan worked out tomorrow.  I was feeling a little like Grace today but with a little more time added to the mix.  So I did a 50 rep Grace for time.  Oh it was a joy to behold.  Something I believe all my little gym rats might come to endure in the near future.

WOD: GRACE +20 For Time.

50 Power Clean & Jerks

Time: 6:20

Friday, May 15, 2009

Strength Day

WOD:  5X5 Front Squat & Back Squat

  1. 185X3 FS
  2. 185X3 FS
  3. 185X3 FS
  4. 185X3 FS
  5. 185X3 FS
  1. 225X3 BS
  2. 225X3 BS
  3. 225X3 BS
  4. 235X3 BS
  5. 240X2 BS
Finish with 100M walking lunges.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I saw the WOD posted at my gym yesterday and thought that would be a fun one, and oh how I was wrong.  The days prior were mild and cool weather wise with light drizzle and clouds keeping it a comfortable 80 degrees.  Today, not so much..  I went outside to set up some equipment and it was 104 degrees.  I didn't have a 20lb medicine ball around cause it went missing so I subbed the wall ball with some SDHP's cause I need a lot of work on them anyways.

Warm Up
500M Row
500M Swim

WOD:  For Time
10-9-down to 1 of:

Box Jump Burpees w/30"
Ab Mat Sit Ups
SDHP w/95lbs
Strict Press w/95lbs

Time: 20 minutes of suck and hurt.

I didn't think it was gonna be too bad, then the next thing I know, sweat is pouring from my eyebrow and I'm gasping for air.  It felt good after I finished though.  It was the strict presses that wrecked my time.  I only knocked the first 10 straight and the rest were broken in two sets.  Pathetic.  I'm in need of a rest day I think or less drinking.


You were not born a winner, and you were not born a loser. You are what you make yourself be.

Lou Holtz

Monday, May 11, 2009

Man it has been a busy few days.  I haven't posted but I have been working out.  Being that its my Bday today and I know I'm gonna be a alcoholic piggy, I decided to burn some calories prior to my eatathon.

WOD 1: AMRAP in 20 Minutes.

05 Muscle Ups
30 Double Unders

Total:  10Rds

Swim:  500M Crawl in 5:13

WOD 2:  4 Rds not timed but as fast as humanly possible.

25 Box Jumps @ 33in
10 HSPU's
250M Pool Sprint (Crawl Stroke)

I had a hour or two of rest and then went on a 7mile run doing laps around the compound in 45minutes.  I feel a little whooped but ready to eat and drink everything.  Lets get it on.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Since my forearms are still toasted from the tire flip work out last week.  I know its a long time, but that was a fucking heavy tire.  I couldn't do Helen like I would have liked to, so I modified the workout a bit.  It was still a man crusher for sure.

WOD:  3 Rds For Time.

30 KB Swings 53lbs
400M Run
21 Burpees

Time: 12:00  It definitely seems slow, and I attribute it to me running it by myself in the high heat at high noon.  Or I'm just being a pussy.

Integrity is shown when no one is looking.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


It was a long day on Limo duty and working out didn't seem so fun but I had to get something in.  Feeling a little under the weather from cinco de mayo or something.  I needed to find something other than a metcon.  After lunch I decided to do Psuedo heavy shoulders.

6X3 Strict Press
  1. 120 X 3
  2. 125 X 3
  3. 125 X 3
  4. 125 X 3
  5. 130 X 2
3 X 10 Push Jerk
  1. 135 X 10
  2. 155 X 10
  3. 155 X 10
After dinner I feel like I needed to burn off all the crap food i've been eating lately.  The food out here has been such crap lately that the only thing worth eating is bread and heavy carbs.  Such a lame excuse, but for once its actually true.

Evening WOD:  4 X 500M Row w/ 4minutes rest.

  1. 1:33
  2. 1:39
  3. 1:41
  4. 1:44
I hate the erg.  It makes me want to vomit and pee at the same time.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009


Nothing new to report other than a complete dust storm that ruined my day of sprints.  What a suck day.  I ended running for 2.5 hours and running 14.8 miles.  ON A TREADMILL!  WTF!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009


Although I'm not in the military anymore or in a combat status, I still live by the creed that you must always train harder than your enemy. You must impose your will upon your enemy and your training. Todays wod was a definite test of my will and fortitude. I got this wod from my friend Tony's site at Crossfit Wilmington. He is a freakish machine and breeds some real power houses out of his box. I couldn't pass this one up, but after I finished, I wish I had.

WOD: 3Rds For Time.

26 Tire Flips (Jump in, Jump out on each flip.)  Tire Weight 500lbs.
26 Sledge Hammer Swings
400M Sprint/Gasping Jog

TIME: 25:10 ish

Sunday, May 3, 2009


I'm as happy as a clam that the crossfit equipment that we ordered has finally arrived and we are stoked as can be. I can finally go heavy and not worry about breaking anything. We still don't have our Oly bar but that is cool and we can manage.
After a long move today I felt like I was dragging but and needed a latté to give me a little pick me up. I still felt like I needed another rest day, but decided to walk into the gym to see if I could change my mind and I did. I little warm up to get the blood flowing and the joints warmed up until I decided what I was going to do. I wasn't feeling the metcon so much so I decided to do something heavy and I'm glad I did cause I PR'd and I'm even more stoked.

WOD: 5X3 Squat Cleans

1. 165 X 3
2. 165 X 3
3. 170 X 3
4. 175 X 3 PR
5. 175 X 3 PR

1. 185 X 1 PR
2. 185 Miss
3. 185 X 1
4. 185 X 1
5. 190 X 1 PR
6. 190 Miss
7. 195 X 1 PR
8. 195 Miss
9. 195 Miss
10. 195 X 1 PR

I'm so stoked that I had such a big PR and that I did it for multiple reps. Its been a while since I've had such a big gain. Who knows what tomorrow holds, but I'm gonna sit on top of this mountain for as long as I can cause it feels good. Watch out Jason, Grant, & Justin. I'm gonna break 200 before I get home.

Saturday, May 2, 2009


1000M swim

So on my rest day while swimming laps in the pool, I was thinking about how genetics plays a huge part in competitive fitness.  There are people that don't train as hard as the next and can rock it all day.  There are people that excel more than others in jiu jitsu cause of natural flexiblity or longer limbs.  No matter how you cut it, some people get dealt a better hand and there is no doubt about that.  Lance Armstrong, case in point has a 10% larger lung volume than the average man and if he didn't train for months would put the whoopin on pretty much everyone still.  
Can the human mind control what is going on there at all.  Can a person train hard enough to rewire what their brain thinks to allow the brain to perceive a different reality and possibly a different outcome.  
Some one sent me a youtube video of a man who ran a half marathon in the arctic somewhere in norway or somewhere and he did it in the middle of winter at -26 degrees with just shorts on.  No shoes or warmies.  He said he wills his body to heat up and his body temp stays hot enough to do this crazy feat of human performance.  Is he just different?  Or has he figured out how to control his brain to a certain extent.  If that is the case can one will their mind to be stronger and do things that just don't seem normal to the rest of society.  If not, then at a bare minimum, your fitness will definitely carry over to your next generation as long as you show them and pave the way for your bloodline to get stronger over time.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Life Aquatic

Ahhhh.  I finally got my gills wet.  Its been a while since I've done a swim beat down and it felt horribly awesome.  I love the water. I can't wait to do it again.

Warm Up 
500M Crawl
500M Breast
500M Side Stroke

10 X 50M / 30sec rest between
10 X 25M / 15sec rest between

1000M Crawl cool down
4mile run - Time: 26:45