Saturday, October 31, 2009

Body Weight O'Fun

Its Halloween in good ol Afghanistan and there is no need for costumes. My beard alone could get me past any of my friends without know who I am. Not to mention my hair is almost as long as JC's himself. People of the old days used to say the their power emanated from their hair and its length. I'm going to go ahead and say its a flat out lie cause I felt like poop on both of my workouts today.

Heavy Single Snatch - 140
Heavy Single Clean - 175
Back Squat 77% - 2 X 4 - 205
Now I know I could have done more but not having bumper plates or a rubber floor for that made my decision easy.

25-50-75 Reps Each For Time.
Air Squats
Sit Ups
Push Ups
Pull Ups

Time: 30 Minutes. Pathetic :( I think I need people hear to suffer with me to bring some competition. Either that, the age factor is starting to settle in.

Friday, October 30, 2009

My Eating Is Killing My Rest Days

I can actually say that eating right is my downfall as an athlete. Its probably my one true addiction that I have a hard time controlling, but not for the same reasons as a hooker to cocaine&meth or an disgruntled old man to whiskey. Being overseas doesn't allow a zone/paleo diet and when I'm home its about the taste of life and I want to taste and experience everything. I know, I'm selfish but I like to enjoy myself. But I can actually say I have been dry on the spirits (by choice, I know) for over a month now. I haven't been dry this long since I was probably 5 or so. Either way, proper diet is my downfall and the part of my life that is full of excuses and needs a complete mental fortitude overhaul. As for my workouts. I can't complain cause I'm seeing gains but I'm sure it would be a little more drastic if my diet was on point.

I should have had a rest day today but with all the carmel holiday popcorn I ate yesterday, thats a no go.

Snatch: 115X2 X 3 Sets Then 135X1 X 3 Sets
Snatch PP: 135X4 X 3 Sets
K2E's: 12 X 4 Sets


3 RDS For Time
50 Yard Shuttle Sprint
10 Dead Hang Pull Ups
12 Half Moons W/65lb Sand Bag

Time 4:30

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Ohh, Annie!

I thought today would be redemption cause Annie has always been good to me. I've always been good with the rope and don't usually get too tired on sit ups but I guess thats only when you do them regularly. Today was far from what I wanted. I missed on every once on every set on the rope, and paused twice during the situps. Well, there is alway tomorrow or the next to get better. And I will!

Double Unders
Sit Ups

Time: 6:50

1. 135
2. 135
3. 135
4. 135
5. 135


Walking into the gym yesterday feeling pretty good and my injuries seem to be all healed up I did a couple rounds of the Burgener warm up and a light row. Our gym here is bare concrete flooring with two 2'X2' chunk of 1"inch pads that we use to drop our weights on. Accuracy on the movement, and more so if your gonna drop the weight. Quite scary actually.

Front Squat 5X3
1. 180
2. 180
3. 180
4. 185
5. 185

Back Squat 5X3
1. 225
2. 225
3. 225
4. 235
5. 235

Being that I don't have a spot rack or no bumper plates, there is no room for drops so I couldn't push my self as much as I should have. I did focus on deep butt to calves depth which made these quite difficult in the last couple of rounds. I definitely feel stronger but definitely got a long way to go to get back to normalcy.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Is That Weakness I Smell?

Man, its been a long time since I been on my blog journal. Between injuries, being extremely busy, and some occasional laziness. I figured I've got the time now and its always good to keep track of what your doing on the daily when your are in a recovery status. Today was a nice little run at Nate but since I didn't have rings for the muscle ups, I suffered thru doing pull ups and Dips. Definitely easier to less Muscle Ups.


AMRAP in 20 Minutes:

04 HSPU's
06 Pull Ups & Dips
10 KB Swings with 53lbs

RDS COMPLETED: 14 @ 6000ft elevation.

In the evening I completed my 20 Rep back squats and gained another 5lb and could have easily went up another 15. Then for shits and giggles did some OHS's and cranked out 20 in a row no problem at 135lb.

20 Back Squats @ 150lbs
20 OHS @ 135