Monday, April 13, 2009

Forced Rest

Ok, I'm actually gonna force myself to rest today cause body is not happy.  My lower half and midline is sore as can be.  It must be from the sprints the day.  I'm not quite sure.  With this rest in mind.  I'm really gonna have to focus on eating good cause with boredom, I tend to start eating everything in site which is why I hate resting.

WOD:  5 Rounds Not For Time of.

Doing absofrickinlutely nothing!!


  1. Vi, Got any good ideas for lower body WOD's that I can do while recovering from shoulder surgery... other then running all day!

  2. Lbacker,
    I've got plenty. There are tons of combination of bodyweight and weighted leg routines with core involvement also.

    Here is one for ya. 5rounds for time of.

    25 Air Squats
    25 Sit Ups
    400M Run

    Once your allowed to start doing band work, incorporate that into your WODs. Also. Don't be afraid to work out the good shoulder with movements. Just don't get crazy with power movements with it and do more high rep movements. KB swings, KB cleans, KB snatches, and so on. Your weak side will catch up quicker than you think. Good luck and heal well.
